The production team of the recently released Nepali Movie 'Jaari' has taken action against various social media accounts for sharing unauthorized clips of the film. The producer, Maniram Pokharel, revealed that several accounts had violated cyber laws by sharing movie clips captured from mobile phones on different social media platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube.
The production team has identified 32 accounts and reported them to the cyber bureau for appropriate action. The shared clips, some of which were up to an hour long, were used without permission and have caused financial losses to the production team. As a result, the team is currently investigating the extent of the damages and will demand compensation.
Starring Dayahang Rai and Miruna Magar, the movie 'Jaari' has been creating a buzz at the box office with its aggressive business since its release on the first day of the new year. However, the unauthorized sharing of the movie clips on social media platforms has caused harm to the production team. Watch Trailer
Movie: | Jaari (जारी) |
Produced By: | Ram Babu Gurung |
Released: | 14 April 2023 [1 Baishakh 2080] |
Written/Direction: | Upendra Subba (@upendrasubbapoet) |
- Dayahang Rai
- Miruna Magar
- Prem Subba
- Bijay Baral
- Roydeep Shrestha
- Rekha Limbu @rekhalimbu165)
- Anil Subba
- Puskar Gurung
- Kamal Mani Nepal
- Upasanba Nembang
- Sita Kumari Tumbapo
- Panthak Thule
- Yumarani Senehang
- Manita Jaica Bantawa
- Ganga Tumbahamphe
- Parikshya Limbu
- Tibat Rai
- Kaviraj Rai
- Asmita Rai
- Tulasha Angdembe
- Ashamati Angdembe