Image by: Kamal Pun |
Almost every country is undergoing lockdown due to the pandemic
Corona Virus(COVID-19). Nepal is also under lockdown From the last three weeks. No works are undergoing in industries, factories, schools, colleges, offices, and people are compelled to stay home. This is the leading decline in the economy of most countries.
This could be a disadvantage of lockdown. However, the same lockdown has brought some advantages especially natural advantages. The lockdown has also been a blessing to earth today. Nature bounces back in the Coronavirus Lockdown, Nature is blooming again.
Image Source: Google Earth |
Scientists say vibration of the earth has reduced by 30-70% due to lockdown applied almost all over the globe. There used to be vibration because of the works but these vibrations have decreased a lot since the works are stopped. According to scientists of Royal Observatory, Belgium, Scientists use to study the centers inside the earth's surface to find out the vibrations on earth but the peace in the world today has helped to find it out without studying centers.
Recovering the ozone layer
Image Source: Google Nasa |
The most damage was found in the ozone layer above Antarctica. But this part is having a huge recovery. Just above the first layer of the earth's atmosphere, the ozone layer is found which prevents direct exposure of ultraviolet rays from space. These UV rays hamper our eyes and skin greatly. These rays can also create cancer and other diseases.
Kathmandu city |
The pollution caused by factories and industries has been reduced magnificently since industries and factories which used to produce smoke are closed. Also, vehicles are in rest. This is resulting in a pure and clear atmosphere whose proof is being able to see ever tall standing mountains even from a distant place. Also, we can see a clear sky.
Clean Rivers
Kaligandagi river |
The rivers used to get polluted by wastages of industries, factories, offices, and local people. The lockdown has reduced these polluted to its best. This has resulted in clean and clear flowing rivers and its banks.
The world has been longing for this for long decades but was unable to achieve so. But the world has changed its face so beautifully today just because of this lockdown.
Writter: Apsana Kammu |
Coronavirus: Safety and Readiness Tips
- Stay at your residence/home except to get medical care.
- Separate yourself from other people in your home.
- wear a facemask
- Cover your coughs and sneezes
- Wash your hands with sanitizer or soap
- Avoid to sharing household items\Monitor Your Symptoms.
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